All of us get sore feet at some time or another. Whether it’s after a night out dancing in heels, being on your feet all day at work or health complications that have your feet aching, there are ways to give your feet some relief.
Quite often sore feet are a result of weight bearing or overexertion and relaxing your tense muscles could be as simple as a foot soak, a stretch and a moisturize!
Soak your feet in a tub of warm water for at least 10 minutes. Add some Epsom salts to the water for extra soothing and you can even add a few drops of your favourite essential oils to the mix. Lavender will help you relax, while peppermint will help you detoxify and also soothes and cools to leave the skin feeling fresh.
After your relaxing foot soak, give your feet a big stretch! Sit in on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you, place a towel behind your feet and pull your feet towards you to stretch.
Now get moisturizing and give your feet a big massage while you’re there and wear socks to bed to keep that moisture in!